Are you off this Sunday, like me? Because it’s my only day off. And you considering purchasing a car in New Jersey.
Well, forget it. Stay in your comfortable clothes, don’t even bother getting dressed. Pick another, or pick another state to shop in.
No car sales are permitted on Sunday in New Jersey because of what’s known as the Sunday law or often referred to as the Blue law.
Yes, the antiquated law put into place during the colonial times to encourage people to observe a day of worship and rest.
That’s still in place and being enforced today.
Hi, I’m Nancy at Kneble’s Auto Service Center.
There are a dozen additional states that still uphold this Blue or Sunday law along with New Jersey.
These states want to make sure you’re home, not shopping for a car so you don’t miss my videos. Remember to see my newest video by subscribing, liking, or following us on our newsletter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
So, choose your preference of choice for viewing. Some of the other states who currently enforce the Blue law for not selling automobiles on Sunday, include Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and Maine, just to name a few.
There have been many appeals and many Blue laws have been repealed, but somehow, currently many states, continue to uphold the law like New Jersey.
Are you happy that the Blue laws still exist in New Jersey for not selling cars, or is it an inconvenience for you?
Because Sunday is a great day to take everyone shopping for that new family car.
Due to this colonial law, pick another day because regardless, it’s not going to happen because of the Blue law. It’s not going away anytime soon.
If you want a used vehicle and that’s your preference. Remember we here at Kneble’s Auto Service Center will offer a free inspection for the vehicle prior to your purchase of the used vehicle.
Here at 5473 Somers Point Road in Mays Landing, we will test drive the vehicle.
We will put it on the lift, we will check the undercarriage, along with checking for any history of codes in the computer. We act as another set of professional eyes for you.
Thank you for watching, and remember, we are always here for your next car care need.
Feel free to contact at 609-625-3286.
Remember, watch every Wednesday at 12:30 for a new video. Thank you.
Did you know that it is illegal for dealerships to sell cars on Sunday in New Jersey? It’s true — a little something called “Blue Laws” prevent that from happening. Let’s take a closer look at this legislation and the reasoning behind the Blue Laws New Jersey has in place.

Legislation With Colonial Roots
The term “Blue Laws” was originally used during colonial times in the context of restricting certain business activities on Sundays, or more specifically, during times when people were expected to be attending church services. Car dealerships are not the only type of business affected by Blue Laws, and the specific restrictions they define may vary by region.
In Bergen County, Blue Laws restrict virtually all malls, department stores, and retail shops from operating on Sundays. This type of legislation has been the subject of much controversy over the years, but the majority of car dealerships in the Garden State have a favorable view of Blue Laws.
The Benefits of Dealerships Being Closed on Sundays
The owners and operators of car dealerships are largely unopposed to New Jersey’s Blue Laws. One of the biggest reasons for this is that closing once per week reduces operating costs — plus, Sundays are generally not the best days for sales at dealerships in other states.
Aside from the business benefits of dealerships closing on Sundays, employees also enjoy a guaranteed day off each week, allowing them to relax and spend time with their friends and families so they can return to work recharged and ready to go on Monday.
Will New Jersey Car Dealerships Ever be Open on Sunday?
There have been a few attempts by State lawmakers over the years to lift the ban on Sunday car dealership sales, but none of the proposed bills came very close to passing and becoming official legislation.
With owners, management, and employees seemingly all on board with New Jersey’s Blue Laws (perhaps for their own individual reasons), it seems unlikely that another such effort would ever gain enough support to overturn the ban.
At Kneble’s Auto, we’re closed on Sunday’s too because we know our staff deserves that guaranteed day off — but you can swing by our shop in Mays Landing anytime between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (4:00pm on Saturdays) for maintenance and repairs on your vehicle! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.