Nancy shares 7 shocking facts about car seats as well as child passenger safety to help parents find #TheRightSeat as apart of National Child Passenger Safety Week.
Here are some facts to know about child seat safety. Hi, I’m Nancy at Kneble’s Auto Service Center. Did you know that car seats expire and the expiration date is stamped on the seat? I confess, I still have car seats from when my children were infants about 23 years ago. Yes, in the trash they go, because not only do these material car seats are made of deteriorating over time, designs are constantly changing and improving.
Now, you ask, who is responsible for the car seat meets federal standards? I bet you think it’s the federal government, but in fact, it is not. It is the car seat manufacturers responsibility to perform their own crash test, which is simulated front sled test at 30 miles an hour. Look for that label that says FNVSS213, that verifies the car seat has passed that test. Now, how about when traveling on an airplane?
I have seen some parents take booster seats. Do you know a booster seat should never be used on an airplane because booster seats, they require the shoulder strap and airplanes only have the lap strap? For those people who buy car seats at yard sales, I highly discourage this because you do not know the history that car seat has had, such as being in a car accident. Car seats should not be used after a car crash as the integrity can be compromised.
Also, always register car seats with the manufacturer, so you’re notified of any recalls. I used to think that I should attach my car seat with every possible option in the car. Wrong. Car seats should be attached using the latch and tether system or the seatbelt system, but never both, unless it is specified by the car seat manufacturers or check your manual.
Also, read the directions from both the car seat and the vehicle manufacturer before even installing your car seat, and one final point of interest, did you know that teenagers are the largest group of individuals who do not use seat belts? I emphasize, please, to those teenagers, it is important to use your seatbelt. It saves lives. Thank you for watching.