We at Kneble’s Auto Service Center want to wish everyone especially our customers a Happy Holidays. To celebrate, join Nancy as she tells the tale of The Elf on the Tool Shelf!
Everyone come a little closer. We know the holiday season has arrived, because who goes into overdrive? But of course, Elf on the Shelf.
Elf on the Shelf sees all, knows all, and tells all. You never know where one may find the elf today. The elf may find her way at Kneble’s Auto, where we are here all year.
She has been seen each day watching our every move to approve, whether in the office being cautious, looking out at all, making sure she doesn’t fall; or in a car lift, watching the day shift.
So everyone, be yourself and don’t be shy, for the elf is very wise. Or on top of a toolbox, sneaky as a fox. Technicians make us proud, even take a bow; work as a team while we beam to be supreme.
You get to know that all the work throughout the year has made it quite clear why we have been number one, best of the press. So let’s continue to impress, and thank our customers every day because we are here to stay.
From all of us at Kneble’s Auto, our family to yours, have a happy and healthy Holiday and happy New Year.